
Farmwalks Mushroom Week!

March 4, 2016

On Tuesday, May 31st, four parallel company visits will be organised for delegates of the 19th ISMS Congress in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, as part of the Mushroom Week programme. The four parallel bustours will depart from ’t Muziekgebouw aan het IJ in Amsterdam, the venue of the ISMS congress around 15.00 hrs, and will be […]
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Change of plan for Mushroomdays

December 12, 2014

The Dutch Mushroom Days in 2015 and 2017 are cancelled by the organisation, “Stichting Champignondagen”, in favour of a big international event in combination with the ISMS congress in the Netherlands in 2016. “Mushroomdays” had planned to organise the event in 2015, with the ISMS congress in Amsterdam in 2016 and Mushroomdays again in 2017. […]
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Agro Food and Technology Award for Vullings Systemen

December 12, 2014

Last Wednesday December 3rd Vullings Systemen won the Agro Food & Technology Award with the Multiflex Water Supply System (WSS). It concerns an improved total concept for supplying water in the mushroom growing industry. The concept generates a perfect and equal water distribution on the growing bed, which can be supplied in the right quantity […]
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1st Ukrainian Mushroom Conference

November 22, 2014

The 1st International conference “Ukrainian mushroom growing: a strategy of success” is finished. The event has gathered 200 people from 8 countries, foremost, of course, from Ukraine. Amongst the companies that have sponsored the event were Sylvan, Mykogen Ukraine, Amycel and Euromycel. The three-day event was filled with presentations and discussions. In particular, the situation […]
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Dohme and CNC Grondstoffen to collaborate

October 6, 2014

Dutch CNC Grondstoffen BV and Dohme Pilzzucht GmbH in Germany will be collaborating on the production and distribution of phase III compost and phase IV trays, according to a press release by CNC on October 6th. The two companies believe that working more closely together will open up new growth opportunities as European trade relations become […]
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Strong growth organic mushrooms sales in US

August 25, 2014

A recent report of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) about the 2013 – 2014 season, shows that the production of mushrooms in the US reached close to 900 million pounds (408 million kg). Compared to  the previous seasons, this is an increase of 1 %. The production of organic mushrooms went up by […]
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EC fines producers of canned mushrooms

June 25, 2014

The European Commission has found that Lutèce, Prochamp and Bonduelle participated in a cartel to coordinate prices and allocate customers of canned mushrooms in Europe during more than a year and has imposed fines totalling € 32 225 000. Lutèce was not fined as it benefited from immunity under the Commission’s 2006 Leniency Notice for […]
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Dutch National Mushroom Day 2014

June 17, 2014

On 16 May, the Sikes mushroom farm in Ysselsteyn, the Netherlands, hosted the fifth edition of the Dutch National Mushroom Day. Several hundred Dutch, and a few Belgian visitors registered to attend. The theme at this edition was ‘Innovation’. The successful combi-formula seen at the previous edition – a small-scale conference organised on a mushroom […]
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New Dutch mushroom museum

June 17, 2014

On Friday 13 June, the new mushroom pavilion at agricultural museum De Locht in Melderslo, The Netherlands was officially opened. The pavilion shows visitors a modern slant on the history of mushroom cultivation. Around a hundred guests, including many active and former mushroom growers, sponsors and ‘celebrities’ from the sector, attended the ceremony. Speakers related […]
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In memoriam Joop Verweij

April 3, 2014

Mushroom grower and consultant Joop Verweij from Middelaar, The Netherlands, passed away on 25 March, 2014. Born in 1941, Joop worked his whole life in the mushroom business. First as a grower, for 23 years, and later, for 27 years, as a consultant for Amycel in Europe. He will be missed by his family and […]
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