
Dr Jean Laborde 1930-2008

16 czerwca, 2008

The global mushroom industry has tragically lost one of it’s most respected researchers. Dr Jean Laborde passed away on the 5th of June. His death came unexpectedly, and was caused by cancer. Jean was born in France in 1930. He studied agronomy and moved to the United States.After activities as a mushroom grower in California […]
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Dole raises vitamin D levels in mushrooms with light flashes

9 czerwca, 2008

The American fruit and vegetable trading company treats Portobello mushrooms and other varieties of mushrooms with short light flashes. In this way the vitamin D levels of the mushroom varieties are raised significantly. Dole puts the Portobello on the market with a reference to the raised vitamin D levels and low calorie and fat content. […]
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De Gier joins JF McKenna

8 maja, 2008

John de Gier has joined the International Mushroom Sales Team of JF McKenna Ltd. John is well known within the mushroom growing sector, having clocked up more than 16yrs experience developing an in-depth technical knowledge of the industry. During his career John worked at the MushroomSchool in Horst, Holland, as a teacher in subjects varying […]
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iSpawn by Italspawn

8 maja, 2008

Italian spawn manufacturer Italspawn has developed a new product: a professional inoculum kit for the production of commercial mushroom spawn, under the name “iSpawn”. Italspawn has developed this new product to support and improve the small to medium scale production of those laboratories or mushroom farms which only focus their attention on the first stage […]
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New activity DME

8 maja, 2008

After seven years of business in used machinery, shelving and equipment for the mushroom industry Dutch Mushroom Equipment has started a new activity, the delivery of new equipment for the mushroom industry. For these activities DME have started a new branch: Dutch Mushroom Engineering BVBA, located in Belgium. Dutch Mushroom Engineering BVBA incorporates the engineering […]
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Website and newsletter

4 marca, 2008

In May 2008, we will launch our completely retooled and revamped website This will be followed by the launch of a free international e-newsletter. The website is still showing strong growth – from the perspective of information, the number of visitors to the site and the interest in placing banners. Readers from 77 countries generate […]
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Szanowni Pañstwo!

23 listopada, 2007

19 grudnia 2007 r. Reed Business opublikuje kolejne Polskie Wydanie Mushroom Business, wiodcego miêdzynarodowego … 19 grudnia 2007 r. Reed Business opublikuje kolejne Polskie Wydanie Mushroom Business, wiod¹cego miêdzynarodowego magazynu bran¿y pieczarkarskiej. Pierwsze trzy wydania zosta³y bardzo dobrze przyjête zarówno przez czytelników, jak i reklamodawców. Tak jak poprzednio, czasopismo uka¿e siê w jêzyku polskim, a […]
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Mushroom picking vision robot in development

8 listopada, 2007

John Reuvers from Methore in Kerkdriel and Johan van Namen from the Netherlands took the initiative … John Reuvers from Methore in Kerkdriel and Johan van Namen from the Netherlands took the initiative in 2004 to carry out research into the problems surrounding harvesting mushrooms mechanically. The result is the development of a picking vision robot. Methore […]
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Meetings in Iran

30 października, 2007

At the end of August the Ministry of Jihad-e-Keshavarzi held a series of meetings which were … At the end of August the Ministry of Jihad-e-Keshavarzi held a series of meetings which were arranged by the Iranian Mushroom Growers Association which included lectures, theoretical and practical classes for the Ministries Agricultural Specialist’s from cities all over Iran.   On the […]
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New substrate plant in Germany

30 października, 2007

Champignonkulturen GmbH in Limeshain near Frankfurt delivered the first batches of sterilised substrate … Champignonkulturen GmbH in Limeshain near Frankfurt delivered the first batches of sterilised substrate to growers in the first week of October. After three years of research and planning the pilot plant produced the first substrate in August. Champignonkulturen cooperates with the […]
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