Dreve and Van den Top win Ambassador Award
7 czerwca, 2016

On Wednesday, June 1, the Ambassador of the Mushroom Industry Award was granted to Roel Dreve and Henk van den Top at the Welcome Event of the 34th Dutch Mushroom Days in the Brabanthallen in Den Bosch. The 'Ambassador’ Award was founded in 2013 and its winners are chosen by the Board of the Mushroom Days […]
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Honorary Memberships ISMS 2016
31 maja, 2016

At the Opening Ceremony of the 19th ISMS on 30 May 2016, three Honorary Life Memberships were awarded. Scientists Anton Sonnenberg (NL), Martmari van Greuning (SA) and Mark Wach (USA) (photo) received the Awards from ISMS President Greg Seymour and Vice-President Zhang Xiang Mao (photo background) in recognition of their outstanding contribution to the objectives of the […]
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Mushroom Week launched
31 maja, 2016

On Sunday 29 May, Mushroom Week in Holland started, the double event that combines the Dutch Mushroom Days in Den Bosch and the 19th ISMS Congress in Amsterdam. The event was launched at a Welcome Reception, sponsored by Global Roel Media (publisher of Mushroom Business). Chairman Piet Lempens of the organising comittee welcomed everybody in […]
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Programme and keynote speakers ISMS 2016
23 maja, 2016

The 19th Congress of the International Society for Mushroom Science is poised to start in Amsterdam. International delegates will gather on Sunday, 29 May for registration and a Welcome Reception (sponored by Global Roel Media) at Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ. This will kick off a very full week of lectures, company visits, celebrations and visits […]
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Mushroom Week Registration
8 kwietnia, 2016
With only weeks to go before the start of Mushroom Week in The Netherlands, it’s time to register for both the Mushroom Days and ISMS 2016, if you haven’t done so allready! Mushroom Week starts on May 29th, when the 19th ISMS congress opens its doors. The 'Olympic Games’ of mushroom science will be held […]
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Farmwalks Mushroom Week!
4 marca, 2016

On Tuesday, May 31st, four parallel company visits will be organised for delegates of the 19th ISMS Congress in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, as part of the Mushroom Week programme. The four parallel bustours will depart from ’t Muziekgebouw aan het IJ in Amsterdam, the venue of the ISMS congress around 15.00 hrs, and will be […]
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Agro Food and Technology Award for Vullings Systemen
12 grudnia, 2014

Last Wednesday December 3rd Vullings Systemen won the Agro Food & Technology Award with the Multiflex Water Supply System (WSS). It concerns an improved total concept for supplying water in the mushroom growing industry. The concept generates a perfect and equal water distribution on the growing bed, which can be supplied in the right quantity […]
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Change of plan for Mushroomdays
12 grudnia, 2014

The Dutch Mushroom Days in 2015 and 2017 are cancelled by the organisation, “Stichting Champignondagen”, in favour of a big international event in combination with the ISMS congress in the Netherlands in 2016. “Mushroomdays” had planned to organise the event in 2015, with the ISMS congress in Amsterdam in 2016 and Mushroomdays again in 2017. […]
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1st Ukrainian Mushroom Conference
22 listopada, 2014

The 1st International conference “Ukrainian mushroom growing: a strategy of success” is finished. The event has gathered 200 people from 8 countries, foremost, of course, from Ukraine. Amongst the companies that have sponsored the event were Sylvan, Mykogen Ukraine, Amycel and Euromycel. The three-day event was filled with presentations and discussions. In particular, the situation […]
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Dohme and CNC Grondstoffen to collaborate
6 października, 2014

Dutch CNC Grondstoffen BV and Dohme Pilzzucht GmbH in Germany will be collaborating on the production and distribution of phase III compost and phase IV trays, according to a press release by CNC on October 6th. The two companies believe that working more closely together will open up new growth opportunities as European trade relations become […]
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