
Pieczarkalia 2011

For the first time, Pieczarkalia was held on 2 consecutive days. The event was hosted by the city of Siedlce, on the 22nd and 23rd of September, in Eastern Poland.

Workshop Horst, 2011

On 23 and 24 May, the Christiaens Group in co-operation with C point and AdVisie, organised an international workshop for invited guests in Parkhotel Horst. The workshop, titled ‘Pay less, get more’,  turned out to be a highly successful pre-event for the Dutch Mushroom Days. A full report can be found in Mushroom Business 47.

Dutch Mushroom Days

The 32nd edition of the Mushroom Days was a great success. For three days (May 25-27), Den Bosch was the center of the international mushroom industry. Photos: Marcel Vingerling (Diseno), Roel Dreve and John Peeters (GRM) and Mark van Dijk (Mark van Dijk Fotografie). Read the news article on this event here.  

SAMFA conference 2011

The South African Mushroom Growers Association (SAMFA) had their annual local industry conference on 10 and 11 May.     The conference was hosted at Kloofzicht Lodge, and the group of 60 people was mainly made up of local delegates. A few Dutch and Irish delegates added an international flavor, including keynote speaker Hennie van […]

Mushrooms at FL 2011

Fruit Logistica 2011, held 9-11 February in Messe Berlin, has underlined its role as the world’s leading trade fair for the fresh produce industry. More than 56,000 trade visitors (2010: 54,000) from 132 countries attended the event. Setting a new record, 2,452 exhibitors were present. More and more exhibitors from the mushroom industry find their […]

NAMC at New Orleans

The North American Mushroom Conference was held from the 17th to the 19th of February in New Orleans. It was a successful conference organised by chairman Joe Caldwell, AMI chairman Joe Popiti, Mushrooms Canada president Nick Pora and orchestrated by AMI director Laura Phelps and Sara Manning.

Big in Japan (3)

From the 18th to the 27th of June, 2010 the Hessische Landesfachgruppe Pilzanbau organised a studytrip to Japan. A group of Europeans from five different countries set out to discover the 'exotic’ mushroom industry on central and northern Honshu and the north island, Hokkaido. A very fascinating trip it was. In Mushroom Business 41, 42 and […]

Grzybek Losicki builds

Polish company Champion has designed and built a new packhouse and logisitic centre for the growers’ coop Grzybek Losicki. Before the building started service, it was used as the venue for Pieczarkalia 2010. For pictures of that event, you can take a look at our photo series.

BDC Jahrestagung 2010 in Straelen

On the 1st and 2nd of October the charming German village of Straelen, near Venlo, hosted the 62nd annual general meeting of the BDC (Bund Deutscher Champignon- und Kulturpilzanbauer). On Friday the 1st there was a full program with technical and marketing lectures, and on the 2nd the participants were given the opportunity to visit the all new mushroom […]

Pieczarkalia 2010

The 2010 edition of the Polish trade show and conference Pieczarkalia took place on the 24th of September. The new packhouse and logistic center of the Polish cooperation Grzybek Losicki hosted the event. It was a very well visited event in a stunning new building, that was designed and constructed by Polish company Champion. Most of […]

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