
At Fungi Perfecti Headquarters

In the margin of the Third International Medicinal Mushroom Conference in Washington, Magda Verfaillie of Mycelia, Belgium, was given the opportunity to visit Paul Stamets’ company annex new house in a small group. An exhausted Paul, his wife Dusty and the staff welcomed us in the meeting room of Fungi Perfecti for a general introduction […]

Portrait of John Donoghue

Magda Verfaillie of Mycelia, Belgium, visited John Donoghue in the margin of the Third IMMC in Washington. A visit to John Donoghue is more than just a scientific experience. Few other people better understand the art of combining humour and seriousness to elevate science to a higher level than he does. This American researcher earned […]

HLP visit to Lower Saxony

On the 5th of November the Hessische Landesfachgruppe Pilzanbau (HLP) in Germany has organised a so called Pilztag (Mushroom Day) in Helvesiek, Lower Saxony, Germany. The companies that were visited were Biomytec GmbH, where substrate is manufactured, and Pilzgarten GmbH with the production of exotic mushrooms.

Eighth international WSMBMP Conference in Delhi

The eighth conference of the World Society for Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products was held in New Delhi, India from 19 to 22 November 2014. As it is now winter in India, the climate was pleasant, with relatively cool nights. The conference was organised by the Directorate of Mushroom Research of the Indian Council of […]

Opening Walkro new Phase I

On November 15th, Walkro Belgium celebrated a grand opening of their new Phase I composting facility. In the daytime neighbours could take a look, and they might have been interested in the new odour reducing facilities. In the evening the mushroom industry was invited for a good look around and a festive evening, that took […]

Pieczarkalia 2014

Hoping for better weather conditions, the organizers of the Pieczarkalia fair moved this most important event of the Polish mushroom industry from early autumn to the beginning of summer. The venue of the 14th edition remained the ice-skating stadium in Siedlce, where exhibitors and visitors gathered from 25 -27 June.

DNP 2014

On 16 May 2014, the modern Sikes mechanical harvesting mushroom farm in Ysselsteyn, the Netherlands, hosted the fifth edition of the Dutch National Mushroom Day. Several hundred Dutch and a few Belgian visitors registered to attend. The theme at this edition was ‘Innovation’. The Day offered some short lectures on this subject, a farm tour, […]

Opening mushroom pavilion De Locht

On Friday 13 June, the new mushroom pavilion at agricultural museum De Locht in Melderslo, The Netherlands, was officially opened, the kick-off to an ‘open house’ weekend. The pavilion shows visitors a modern slant on the history of mushroom cultivation. Around a hundred guests, including many active and former mushroom growers, sponsors and ‘celebrities’ from […]

Extension Amycel France

Amycel France held an Open Day for relations from the Dutch mushroom industry in Vendôme on 19 June, just before production would start in the new extension of the French spawn plant.

Fruit Logistica 2014

Fruit Logistica 2014, organised from 5 to 7 February in the Berlin Messe exhibition complex, was once again the ‘place to be’ to catch up on the innovative ideas presented by the fruit and vegetable industry.  The majority of these innovations are designed to boost consumer sales, such as new products and packaging. That was […]

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