After a meeting with Dutch and Belgian exhibitors on 12 October in Den Bosch, the board of the Mushroom Days Foundation decided to set the new edition of the Dutch Mushroom Days for 10-12 May, 2023.
During the positive meeting on 12 October, the board discussed alternative dates and concepts for a new edition with some 40 representatives from longtime exhibitors such as Christiaens Group, GTL Europe, Fancom, Champfood, Hooymans Substrate and SacO2.
Although considerations that led to the sudden and unexpected cancellation in April of the event in July 2022 still partly apply, a large majority of shareholders proved willing to schedule the fair in the Spring of 2023 in De Brabanthallen in Den Bosch. Alternative concepts and dates were considered, but rejected. There may be some small (positive) changes in the formula of the Mushroom Days, but as was communicated to us by Chairman Piet Lempens on October 13, you can now save the dates for sure: Wednesday 10, Thursday 11 and Friday 12 May, 2023.
The Dutch Mushroom Days is the biggest and most spectacular international tradeshow for the edible mushroom industry worldwide, with usually some 100 exhibitors and 3000 visitors from 80 countries. Last – successful – edition was in 2019.
More details on the meeting and the road to 2023 in next (November) edition of Mushroom Business magazine!