Last Wednesday December 3rd Vullings Systemen won the Agro Food & Technology Award with the Multiflex Water Supply System (WSS). It concerns an improved total concept for supplying water in the mushroom growing industry. The concept generates a perfect and equal water distribution on the growing bed, which can be supplied in the right quantity and on the right moment. With this system it is possible to generate a maximum yield with less water.
De Agro, Food & Technology Award has been initiated by the partners of the Agro Food and Technology week; FME, Wageningen University and TNO. The award is being handed out to the most promising projectidea, which provides a technological solution for a problem within the Agro and Food sector. Also the solution should at least be approached with one other company. Out of eleven projectideas, the Multiflex WSS concept of Vullings Systemen was being judged as the best idea and won the award
Vullings Systemen produces systems, special machines, equipment and devices, with a specialism of water-supply systems in the agricultural sector.