As part of its global growth strategy, Sylvan announced the acquisition of the spawn business of Gurelan Mycelium in Huarte (Navarra), Spain, beginning of May.
Following on from Sylvan’s acquisition of Mispaj Micelios in Pradejon (La Rioja) in June 2020, this new agreement allows the combined operating companies to further improve their presence and service to the Spanish mushroom industry, a press release by Sylvan stated.
According to the international spawn maker; ‘Spain is one of the largest mushroom-producing countries in Europe. Sylvan has established a strong presence across the agaricus-, pleurotus- and shiitake-spawn categories, both through organic market development and through the purchase of the Mispaj business. By joining forces with market leader Gurelan we will be able to further accelerate our growth ambitions in Spain’.
Gurelan (Basque for ‘our work’ – referring to its cooperate spirt) was founded in 1963 as a cooperative society and after a period of cultivating mushrooms, they started spawn production in the seventies. Since then, it has established itself as the largest producer of mushroom spawn in Spain. The company is market leader in spawn for Phase 2 agaricus compost and for pasteurised pleurotus substrate, and has a longstanding and loyal customer base in northern Spain and Castilla la Mancha, the key mushroom growing areas. The portfolio of strains carried by Gurelan is extensive and includes white agaricus for phase 2 compost, various pleurotus ostreatus strains as well as pulmonarius and other specialties. Gurelan will continue to offer these products in the Spanish market under the Gurelan brand as a going concern.
According to Iwan Brandsma, managing director of Sylvan Europe; “This announcement is an important milestone in our strategy, which targets growth through innovation (R & D), customer service (Crop Care) and market expansion, where possible through acquisition (M&A). With this strategy we aim to further strengthen our position as a trusted supplier in the international spawn market and provide the mushroom industry with the most advanced and highest quality products and solutions, anywhere in the world.”
If you have any questions, contact the Sylvan Iberia or Gurelan team by email or by phone as follows:
Victor Muez (+34) 609 485 150 vmuez@gurelanmycelium.com
Jorge Calvo (+34) 622 473 997 jorge@sylvaninc.com
Santiago Lorente (+34) 661 829 463 santiago@sylvaninc.com