On their 65th Annual General Meeting in Bremen, Germany, Michael Schattenberg is elected chairman for the BDC (Bund Deutscher Champignon- und Kulturpilzanbauer), the German Mushroom Growers Association.
At the same time previous chairman Franz Schmaus was named Honorary Chairman,and praised for his many achievements. “My finest moment is when all German growers decided to cooperate on advertising via a website, social media and magazines”, Schmaus states, “as this has been the turning point in German fresh mushroom consumption, that is still on the rise.”
Schattenberg is managing director of Pilzhof Walhausen, the German branch of Walkro.
The 65th “Jahrestagung” was held in the North German city of Bremen, with a full program of lectures and a farm visit to OM Pilze in Goldenstedt.
In the next edition of Mushroom Business you can read more about this event.