The 36th edition of the Dutch Mushroom Days in Den Bosch is behind us, and a great edition it was! With 110 exhibitors from18 different countries and 4555 visitors from 83 countries, the event (10-12 May) was a spectacular success.
Even before the fair started on May 10th, industry suppliers like Hooymans Substrates, Christiaens Group, Legro, Kekkilä-BVB and GTL Europe received many international visitors to join seminars and farm tours.
The ambiance in The Brabanthallen was very friendly from the start, with many old friends glad to meet again, sometimes after several years. But at the same time, all exhibitors agreed that most talks were substantive, and, after four years, there were many new innovations and systems on display. Stands looked great, food was good (and free for visitors) and the change to a more informal, festive ‘welcome program’ with live music on Wednesday worked out fine.
The Ambassador of the Industry Awards ceremony on the same night produced four new winners; Bert Rademakers (Mycelium Materials), Peter Christiaens (Fungivital), both from The Netherlands, Greg Seymour (ISMS) from Australia and Karel Sterckx (Sterckx compost) from Belgium received the coveted Award for their important mushroom work in and beyond the call of duty.
In the evenings, many companies had their own private parties in the lively and hospitable city of Den Bosch, which was, for one week in 2023, the very center of the international mushroom industry.
We thank the organizers – especially ‘newcomers’ Natascha and Frank – who did a very good job, and everyone who visited our stand opposite the entrance. We had a great time!
See for a comprehensive report and great photo series the upcoming June issue of Mushroom Business (no 119).
In the picture: Peter Christiaens (to the left), Karel Sterckx (center) and Bert Rademakers (right) hold their Ambassador winner certificate. In the back, Ko Hooijmans holds the certificate of Greg Seymour, who was present via a live connection with Australia.
See more pictures of this event on our Media page.