The Hessische Landesfachgruppe Pilzanbau organises its annual members’ meeting in Switzerland in November. One of the topics of discussion will be the influx of Chinese substrate for exotics in Europe.
The HLP will gather at Hotel Swiss Star in Wetzikon on Tuesday November 5th, where several scientists from Germany and The Netherlands will give lectures. Evelin Krolopp will discuss the future of the HLP. After, the AGM will be held. The day after, members and guests can visit Fine Funghi, the exotics farm with 13 growing rooms (shiitake, oyster mushroom and pioppino) and substrate production of Patrick Romanens and Jürg Scherrer in Gossau-Zürich. Back in Hotel Swiss Star, there will be presentations by Ulrich Groos (HLP), Roland Vonarburg (Wauwiler), Henk Tebben (Engie) and a lecture by Prof Qianyi Jia and Guangda Li on morel cultivation.
Chinese substrate
In Mushroom Business 96 (September) we featured a report on the growing import of high quality shiitake substrate from China, which was discussed at the AGM of CATE in France. Since 2018, these imports have shaken up the market as the average European shiitake harvested from pasteurised straw-based substrate seems unable to compete with the Chinese import, in terms of shape and quality. Some growers have ceased production and European substrate and spawn producers are being hit. At the CATE meeting it was suggested, that solutions for these companies could come from a shift in research and new recipes and varieties. On 6 November at the HLP meeting, Bert Rademakers (CNC Exotic Mushrooms), Torsten Jonas (BioMycoTec) and Kasper Moreaux (Mycelia) will further discuss this subject with the participants.
All in all, a very interesting programme, not to be missed!
www.pilzanbau.de / Ulrich.Groos@Pilzanbau.de / +491729816999.
Photo: Chinese shiitake substrate blocks ready for export.