Dutch Mushroom Days: Final Call!

February 4, 2023

The preparations for the 36st edition of the Dutch Mushroom Days are in full swing. The fairground spaces for the trade fair – the biggest mushroom event of 2023 – are rapidly being filled up.

According to Piet Lempens, Chairman of the Dutch Mushroom Foundation, already more than 90 companies have signed up for the trade fair on 10, 11 and 12 May 2023. “We want to advise potential exhibitors who haven’t done so yet, to act quickly and avoid disappointment. Many participants are well known and the average stand space contracted is comparable with the last, very successful edition in 2019. On the other hand, there are many new companies, organizations and start-ups we are welcoming, the diversity is bigger than ever.” Lempens also notices that even more countries will be presenting than before and there will be lots of innovation to be seen, also in the realm of alternative applications of mushrooms and mycelium. “All facets of our industry will be brought to the fore.”

The organizers expect many international visitors; and a trade fair that can measure up with the best editions of the Dutch Mushroom Days so far.

If your company has not signed up, please do so now, on https://champignondagen.nl/home-eng/


In the picture: the Kingfit stand in 2019. Several Chinese companies have allready signed up for the 2023 event in Den Bosch.

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