Pieczarkalia, French style

10 września, 2016

Pieczarkalia, the biggest event for the Polish edible mushroom industry, was held in Siedlce, on 8 and 9 September 2016. The whole fair was decorated in French sixties style to commemorate the French roots of the white button mushroom industry.

Pieczarkalia was divided into a trade fair in the Siedlce sport centre and a training workshop at another location by Harry Hesen (Sylvan NL) and Monika Topór-Pamuła. At the annual conference on the trade fair, Mr Paweł Kowalski of Pekao (a major Polish bank) presented some current figures on the Polish mushroom industry. The export potential has been under pressure due to the Russian embargo, but new markets have been found and the higher euro contributed to bigger export value. The key advice for Polish growers was, to invest in better quality to increase its competitive advantage.

The hot issue for the mushroom industry in Poland ist he new anti odour regulations to be introduced by the Polish government.

More on Pieczarkalia 2016 in the upcoming issues of our mushroom magazines.

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