The organisation of the Dutch Mushroom Days 2009 confirms the participation of 46 mushroom industry suppliers and organisations at the fair coming June. More then 10 Dutch and international companies are still considering participation at this moment (March 10).
This means that the Mushroom Days can expect at least the same number of exhibitors (58) as in 2006, when the last edition of this event was organised.
If you wish to participate in the Mushroom Days, please download the subsciption form and send the completed form to:
Libéma Exhibitions & Events B.V.
Attn. Mushroom Days 2009
P.O. Box 403
5201 AK ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
Fax : +31 736 293 277
For more inormation, please contact the event organisation.
Anoeska Hagenstein – Project Manager – Info@champignondagen.nl – +31 651 157 897
Femke Willems – Sales and Customer Service – info@champignondagen.nl – +31 620 401 500
Michael Groen – Communication en PR – info@champignondagen.nl – +31 624 893 754
Here is the list of confirmed participators as of March 10;
Officine Alpi S.v.r.L
Van Boxtel Elektro BV
BVB Euroveen/Substrates
Champ Food
CNC Exotic Mushrooms B.V.
CNC Grondstoffen BV
Dalsem Mushroom Projects
Didak Injection
Dofra BV
Dutch Mushroom Equipment
Dutch Tecsource
Elektro Limburg
S.A. Eurosubtrat
Fancom BV
Freezitt BV
Geraedts Constructions B.V.
Gicom BV
Hooymans Compost B.V.
Hoving Holland Int. BV
J.F. McKenna Ltd.
PG Kusters BV
Le Lion
Lemmen Constructiebedrijf
Mc Substradis
Mush. Comb. BV
Mushroom Business
Mycelia /Sa CO2
Johan van Namen/ Methode Techniek
Rubcoat BV
N.V. Karel Sterckx
Sylvan Nederland BV
Ten Cate
Van den Top Machinebouw BV
Topterra Holland BV
FA Ummels
Verstappen Verpakkingen BV
Viscon BV
Vullings Systemen BV
Photo: Chinese delegation in its stand at the 2006 Dutch Mushroom Days.