CNC Grondstoffen B.V. in Milsbeek, The Netherlands, will participate for 50% in Polish composter Holpol Compost SP. Z.o.o. in Gósciejewo.
Holpol is located in de midst of an import mushroom production area near Poznan, in the west of Poland. The other 50% of shares will remain in the hands of Holpol International Holding B.V. in Cuijk, also in The Netherlands.
According to a press release, Holpol wants to use the experience and possibilities of CNC for the further development of this Dutch style compost facility. CNC sees the investment as a step to further its European ambitions in the composting field.
Both shareholders have an agreement to make CNC the largest shareholder of Holpol Compost in the future.
Holpol produces 34.000 tons phase III compost a year. CNC produces more than 375.000 tons phase III compost in Milsbeek, Moerdijk and Ammerzoden. With the current expansion plans, this will rise to 425.000 tons of phase III in 2009.