The 33rd edition of the Dutch Mushroom Days is poised to start in Den Bosch (29-31 May). For the first time at this event, the Mushroom Days Foundation will chose an Ambassador of the Industry. You can still nominate a candidate!
The mushroom sector: we are all its component parts. Everyone who is directly, or indirectly, involved in enabling consumers to choose from a wide range of delectable mushrooms on a daily basis, is an associate in our branch. For decades the sector has undergone tumultuous developments, and this situation is not likely to change in the coming years. Many people active in the mushroom sector are doing their utmost best to secure a good future for their company or organisation.
There are also some, however, whose initiatives transcend the interests of their own immediate sphere. Whose achievements result in vital momentum for the entire sector. As veritable ambassadors they contribute to the positive image of our mushroom sector, the landscape of which would probably be very different without their efforts.
These are the people The Mushrooms Days Foundation wants to reward in recognition of their immense services to the sector by presenting the ‘Ambassador of the Mushroom Industry Award’.
* To publicly recognise those who have made immense efforts to benefit the mushroom sector.
* To encourage a commitment to the mushroom sector.
* To make a positive contribution to the image of the mushroom sector.
The names of candidates can be submitted in writing to the board of The Mushrooms Days Foundation by a nominator in the mushroom sector. The nomination must be accompanied by a detailed explanation of why the candidate is considered worthy. All nominations will be treated confidentially and no information will be announced regarding the nominations.
The winner of the Ambassador of the Mushroom Industry Award will be chosen by the board of The Mushrooms Days Foundation. The winner will be announced during the Welcome Event of The Mushroom Days 2013 in Den Bosch, the Netherlands. The 33rd edition of this trade event will take place this year from Wednesday 29 May to Friday 31 May.
For more information, see www.champignondagen.nl
The prize, which will be awarded during the Welcome Event , consists of a certificate, a small token and a weekend break for two.
Do you know an ambassador who should be considered for this award? Please nominate the candidate by writing to the board of The Mushrooms Days Foundation as soon as possible at: info@champignondagen.nl