#61 – november 2013

  •  Smokey Mould: the smoke screen lifts.
  •  At the 7th IMMC in Beijing.
  •  The Polish industry is still growing (Piecarkalia 2013).
  •  Amycel conferences in Poland.
  •  ISMS News 12.
  •  Sanctioned (developments in Iran).
  •  New chairman at the BDC (BDC Jahrestagung).
  •  A tower of mushrooms (Multi-storey growing in Malta).
  •  My Farm: Gospodarstwo Rolne Halina Komar (PL).
  •  Business and pleasure in Cairns (40th AMGA).
  •  Out and about: A cool garden (Wilke Champignons in Kessel, NL).

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