A record 122 attendees – mostly from Germany and The Netherlands – gathered in Fletcher Hotel Teugel in Uden, to participate in the Hessische Pilztage on 25 and 26 October.
The yearly gathering of the Hessische Landesfachgruppe Pilzanbau (HLP) comprises a general meeting of members, a lecture programme, and a visit to a company involved in ‘exotic’ mushroom growing. The 2022 edition was no exception.
At the members meeting, a new board and chairman – Kasper Moreaux – was appointed, and at the conference, participants could enjoy lectures on subjects like SMC in substrates, building with mycelium materials and climate control.
On Wednesday 26 October, the visitors got a tour at VEME Specials B.V. in Gemert. VEME produces substrate for exotics (see photo). Afterwards mushroom farm Verbruggen Paddestoelen B.V. in Uden could be visited, the leading Dutch producer of oyster mushrooms (and other varieties).
The weather and the atmosphere were great. The only thing missing was the driving force behind the HLP for decades, Ulrich Groos, because of private circumstances.
More on this event in the upcoming edition of Mushroom Business (115) and Paddestoelen (5/2022).