23 maja, 2016

The 19th Congress of the International Society for Mushroom Science is poised to start in Amsterdam. International delegates will gather on Sunday, 29 May for registration and a Welcome Reception (sponored by Global Roel Media) at Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ. This will kick off a very full week of lectures, company visits, celebrations and visits to the Dutch Mushroom Days in Den Bosch later in the week.
These are the listed keynote presentations in Amsterdam.
- Professor Han Wösten, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. Title: Use of mushroom forming fungi to create novel materials. Prof. Wösten will present a view on a complete different use of fungi: Composite materials based on mushroom mycelium as an alternative with cost-effective and esthetical properties.
- Drs. Elies Lemkes-Straver, ZLTO, The Netherlands. Title: Farming for the Future. Drs. Elies Lemkes-Straver, also chairwoman of the division Market & Society of the governmental Top Sector Agri & Food, provides an insight into future farming linked to the cultivation of mushrooms.
- Professor Fred Brouns, University of Maastricht (NL). Title: Health aspects of mushrooms and mushroom bioactives. Prof. Brouns will review the state of the art potential for mushrooms as a source for healthy food and bioactive compounds found in mushrooms that can have a curing or disease preventing effect.
- Dr. S. Chen, Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope, Duarte, CA, USA. Title: Important lessons from a recent phase 1 clinical study of white button mushroom on biochemically recurrent prostate cancer. Prof. Chen will present the latest research of his group in using button mushrooms in a diet to prevent the return of a frequently occurring cancer in men: prostate cancer.
- Professor Willem de Vos, Wageningen University (NL). Title: Microbes inside; lessons from the human gut flora. Prof. de Vos will introduce us in the fascinating world of microbes that live in all of us, the role they have in our health and potential for mushroom compounds in our gut.
- Professor Daniel Eastwood, Swansea University, Swansea, UK. Title: Evolution of wood degradation related to mushrooms. Prof. Eastwood will show how fungi long ago evolved into wood degrading organisms and how we (can) use this knowledge to cultivate edible mushrooms.
- Profesor Gunter Pauli. Title: The business of mushrooms beyond mushrooms. Pauli will talk on the economy, ecology and social impact of community based mushroom farming.
A full report on Mushroom Week will be published in Mushroom Business no 77 (June), for news, come back to this website.
For the full programme of ISMS 2016, click here.