In the 2009-2010 season the production of mushrooms in the USA was down by 3,3% from 372 million kilos to 360 million kilos. This according to an annual report from the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The average price, approximately $1,17 per pound or $2,57 per kilo, remained unchanged. The production of white button (agaricus) mushrooms fell 1% compared to 2008-2009. Brown or chestnut mushrooms showed better figures: Both production and sales value were up 8%. 15% of all agaricus mushrooms are now brown, or chestnut, mushrooms. The total number of agaricus mushroom farms in the USA has come down to 115. Exotic mushroom sales fell 19% compared to the previous season, and there are now 181 growers for exotic mushrooms, with this number rising. The production of organic mushrooms was lower, with 13 million kilos, against 19 million kilos the year before. The positive is that more organic mushrooms were sold as organic.