The thirteenth Chinese Mushroom Days is poised to start in Zhangzhou, China. The annual event in the Wanda Realm hotel consists of the biggest conference and trade fair for the mushroom industry in Asia.
The fair will be bigger than ever before, featuring 135 booths, where (mainly) Chinese suppliers like GTM, Kingfit, Guoxin, Qi He, and Sanzhong will be presenting in and outside the hotel, as well as Western suppliers like Dutch Mushroom Projects/Hoving Holland, Christiaens Group, Sylvan, GTL, Ten Cate and Air Master.
The conference part of the event in the ‘Chinese Mushroom Capital’ starts of with a Lambert Spawn Workshop on 15 and 16 November. The workshop deals with technical growing and composting aspects of white button mushroom cultivation, featuring senior specialists from Europe and the US; Jeroen van Lier, Eric Vernooij, Jan Gielen, Stephen Allen, John Collier, Brigitte Hendrix and Christine Smith.
The 16th will also see some Chinese industry meetings, but the actual Chinese Mushroom Days officially start on November 17th, with the Opening Ceremony. Keynotes will be delivered by Mr Zhao Chunjiang, Mr Jack Lemmen (GTL Europe), and Mr Xu Shouhai (Guoxin) on Digital Technology, Modern Mushroom Farming and Automatic Equipment for bag cultivation, respectively.
After lunch, consultant Mr John Peeters will talk about Tilting Shelves, Stefan Dagevos (Ribbstyle) gives his take on Vapour Tight Tunnels and Rooms and Christine Smith (Lambert) talks about Storage and Transport of Spawn, while consultant Bart Driessen gives his view on Management Structure on mushroom farms.
In the afternoon, there’s a forum on ‘Belt and Road’, with contributions from countries like India, Thailand and Poland. In the evening, the traditional ‘Night of Button Mushrooms’ dinner will be held.
The 18th starts off with an interesting programme on the export of Chinese shiitake substrate, followed by presentations and discussions on the challenges of marketing and sales of mushrooms and energy and climate issues. Finally, the 19th will see a roundtable event on the utilization of mushroom waste and more focus on specialty mushrooms.
The 13th Chinese Mushroom Days will be reported extensively on in the December issue of Mushroom Business magazine (no 98), as publisher Global Roel Media will be present as Media Partner (Roel Dreve and John Peeters).
Photo: Booth of Lianyungang Guoxin Mushroom Complete Equipment Co., Ltd., at the 18th CMD in 2018.
Photo: Roel Dreve